juli 27, 2024



We will do this by:

– informing you about the selection, staff, matches and tournaments (see official team updates),

– telling you about our life as a floorball player (see player’s blogs),

– updating you about our trainings (see training updates),

– sharing our fun moments with you (see team fun),

– and by litterally giving you a insight  in our sport lifes (see sneak-peeks).

floorballdame1a1.pngIn our mission we feel supported by our fans and sponsors. We will keep you up to date about the work and actions of our sponsors (see sponsor news) ánd will highlight one of our staunch supporters each month (see #1 floorball supporters).

Since our big dream is to let floorball in The Netherlands grow, in particular among girls, many of (former) national women’s team players or staff are involved in the development of floorball in The Netherlands. On this website, we will interview them (see floorball pioneers) to (1) give you a look behind the scenes of the floorball world in the Netherlands, (2) draw your attention to their hard work and to (3) motivate them to continue their good work!

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